Stuth neo-fhighte SMS às a bheil | JINHAOCHENG

Cha tha neo-aodach air fhighe, a tha neo-aodach fhighe seach aodach fighte, agus tha iad air a dhèanamh de stuthan stiùiridh no air thuaiream.

Mar as trice tha masgaichean meidigeach nan structaran ioma-shreath, ris an canar gu tric structaran SMS (sreathan 2 S agus 1 M). Aig an aon àm, is e 5 an àireamh as àirde de shreathan ann an Sìona, is e sin SMMMS (sreathan 2 S agus sreathan 3 M).

Dè a th 'ann an SMS?

An seo, tha S a ’seasamh airson còmhdach Spunbond. Tha trast-thomhas an t-snàithleach an ìre mhath tiugh, timcheall air 20 micron (m). Is e prìomh obair nan sreathan 2 S Spunbond a bhith a ’toirt taic don structar aodaich neo-fhighte gu lèir, aig nach eil buaidh mhòr sam bith air a’ chnap-starra. Is e am pàirt as cudromaiche den masg an ìre bacaidh no còmhdach Meltblown M (còmhdach Meltblown). Tha trast-thomhas an t-sradag leaghte an ìre mhath tana, timcheall air 2 micron (M), agus mar sin chan eil ann ach an deicheamh cuid de thrast-thomhas an t-sreath spunbonding, aig a bheil pàirt deatamach ann a bhith a ’casg bacteria agus dòrtadh fala.

Mar as trice bidh masgaichean meidigeach coitcheann a ’cleachdadh clò spraeadh leaghte le cuideam 20 gram, bidh masgaichean cupa N95 a’ cleachdadh clò spraeadh leaghte le cuideam 40 gram no barrachd.

A rèir staitistig Comann Gnìomhachas aodaich Gnìomhachais Sìona, ro dheireadh 2018, tha 1,477 loidhnichean cinneasachaidh spunbonded dachaigheil, 65 a bharrachd air a ’bhliadhna roimhe, le àrdachadh bliadhna an dèidh bliadhna de 4.6%, am measg sin, PP tha loidhne toraidh neo-fhighte spunbonded air a mheudachadh le 3.38%, loidhne cinneasachaidh SMS faisg air 13%, agus loidhne riochdachaidh neo-fhighte PET spunbonded le 9.32%. Mheudaich an àireamh de chompanaidhean le toradh bliadhnail nas àirde na 50,000 tonna bho 2017.Spunbonded iomairtean. tha iad a ’luathachadh an leasachadh a dh’ ionnsaigh sgèile, dianachadh agus àrd-ìre gus coinneachadh ri iarrtas margaidh ùrachadh toraidh agus ùrachadh teicneòlais.

Bho 2018, tha mòran de dh ’iomairtean dachaigheil air na toraidhean aca a leasachadh a thaobh coileanadh nas aotrom, nas taine agus nas àirde, agus tha iad air deagh thoraidhean a choileanadh.SSMMS pròiseas losgaidh spunbonded / leaghte 600m / min no os cionn obrachadh aig astar àrd; Mu 10 gram gach meatair ceàrnagach super bog tha toraidhean càileachd seasmhach aotrom a ’nochdadh fhathast.

Cò às a tha aodach neo-fhighte SMS a ’tighinn?

Tha aodach neo-fhighte SMS air a dhèanamh sa mhòr-chuid bho polypropylene PP (le feartan bacteriostatach nàdarra agus hydrophobicity), agus faodaidh trast-thomhas nan snàithleanan 0.5-10 micron a ruighinn. Bidh na snàithleanan ultrafine sin le capillarity gun samhail a ’meudachadh meud agus farsaingeachd uachdar nan snàithleach gach raon aonad, agus mar sin a’ dèanamh gu bheil deagh thogalaichean sìolaidh èadhair aig na h-aodach leaghte, gan dèanamh nan stuth masg caran math.

At present, there are three main processes for manufacturing SMS products (SMS non-woven fabric) : "one-step process", "two-step process" and "one-and-a-half step process".

One-step features is the use of raw materials section of this process, using two spun-bonded, melt-blown technology, direct spinning raw material after melting into the nets, as long as reasonable arrangement of different process of spinning systems engineering, and can make the products with different structure, each layer fabric laminated composite, is usually with a hot rolling mill consolidation into cloth."One-step method" is characterized by melting directly spinning into a net, the state of each spinning system can be independently adjusted, the production process of strong control, good health conditions, high speed, can adjust the proportion of each layer of fiber net, can produce SMS type products of various specifications, is the mainstream technology today.

Two-step process: When using the two-step process to produce SMS products, the finished products of spunbonded cloth and melt-sprayed cloth are unrolled in a certain order, and then laminated in a sequence, and then consolidated with a hot mill, and compounded into SMS products.The two-step method is characterized by simple equipment and low cost.In fact, the "two-step" process is the widely used lamination composite technology, but also can be composite of other materials, with different other materials, and with different methods, such as ultrasonic, hot melt adhesive three layers of materials together.

One-and-a-half step method: in two-step method, it is also possible to replace the molten spraying cloth product with the molten spraying layer fiber net produced in the field, thus derived the so-called "one-half step method" composite process.The spunbonded cloth is used as the bottom layer and the surface layer by two unwinding devices, and the melt spraying fiber net of the middle layer is directly spun into a net by the melt spraying system, laid on the bottom layer of the spunbonded cloth, and then covered with the upper layer of the spunbonded cloth, it is better to use a hot mill consolidated into SMS products.

Ùine puist: Sep-14-2020
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